I assume by now, you may have heard the news of Sweet Bee's opening a new location on Westnedge providing our gluten free and vegan community with goods.

Some of us may have the luxury of eating whatever we want, whenever we want with little to no consequences... But as we have seen over the last few years, gluten sensitivities in America have been on the rise. In Kalamazoo, MI we also have a strong vegan community. To have an option for those who have to out of necessity, or choose to live a gluten free vegan lifestyle- this is a BIG WIN!
Here is what we know regarding the launch of this new business...
The new shop will feature sandwiches, soups, charcuterie, salads & more!
The new location will be 7083 S Westnedge Ave, Kalamazoo
The name of the new eatery is Glofoods
They are estimating to be open for business THIS FALL!
Feel free to share this with anyone you feel would benefit, and let's get ready to support them when they launch!!