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Winter doesn’t technically start until December 21 st , so does that mean we still have time for fall planting in Michigan? It can be very tempting to buy up those 75% off plants at the garden center, but

there comes a time that those bargains are a gamble. While perennials can be transplanted up until the ground freezes, it’s best to transplant 3-4 weeks before frost.

For bulbs, it’s best to finish your fall planting about 6 weeks prior to the ground freezing.

It’s not too late for some garden goodies! Get your asparagus, garlic, shallots, and rhubarb in the ground before it freezes!

Don’t despair if you feel it’s too late to get some more planting in. Make the most of the sunny fall days we have left. Rake some leaves, mow the lawn, put down some mulch. Warm up some apple cider and start browsing the seed catalogues.

For a great garden calendar from Michigan State University, visit:


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